Middle School

The Middle School curriculum offers gifted education that is typically 1.5 - 2 years above grade level with individualized learning options. The unique Schilling School schedule offers core classes (Math, Science, Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Electives are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays to enrich the learning experience.

This flexible schedule allows for ability grouping options. For example, Math classes are held 1st period throughout the Lower, Middle, and Upper School. If a Middle School student is advanced in Math, they could be grouped according to ability in a higher math course, without missing any learning opportunities in other subject areas. Middle school students, advanced in math for example, are able to take math courses such as Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus for high school credit alongside Upper School students.

Foreign languages are offered for all grades K-12. Students can select from up to 9 different foreign language options including: Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Sign Language, and Spanish.

Each school year elective options are selected and scheduled with input from the students, including their particular interests. For those who enjoy art, performing arts, and/or music we have offered courses such as Drama, Costume Design, Oil Painting, Art/Drawing, Film Analysis, Choir, and Guitar. For Math and Science enrichment, we have offered courses such as LEGO Robotics, Science Fair, Computer Science, and Astronomy. In addition, Aikido, Fencing, Chess, Mythology, and Creative Writing courses are also popular options. Students always look forward to exploring and enriching their learning with these courses!

Class sizes are typically kept to 12 students. This allows for greater differentiation and individualization academically. Socially, students are able to form close bonds with their classmates that continue beyond the classroom.

Other enrichment options include field trips, after school activities such as Fencing and Chess, MathCounts, and National History Bee teams, and family outings organized by the Schilling Parent Organization.